Twitter permanently suspends account that created doctored video...

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Twitter permanently suspends account that created doctored video...

That's not even factoring in the strangeness of pandemic teaching, from Zoom lessons to ever-shifting health guidelines, which has taken a toll. "I don't know how much longer we will have teachers who will put up with the pressures coming from all different angles," a middle school teacher from Austin, Texas, told CNET's Antonio Ruiz-Camacho. In a feature story this week, Ruiz-Camacho digs into how the teaching profession can hold it together and maybe not get rocked by the Great Resignation that's swept through other fields.

'We should be encouraging more students to do T-Levels and apprenticeships - in contrast to most students who go to university and do not get good graduate jobs despite the great whacking loans they take out.'

The original clip was a cheerful story of a viral video showing Black and white toddlers who were best friends; the doctored version added a misspelled banner flashing "Terrified todler runs from racist baby".

Teaching is hard work. Don't believe me? You try keeping the attention of two dozen or more kids -- second graders, high school sophomores, doesn't matter -- and guiding them through the lesson plans you crafted and refined, through five or six classes a day, without much real break time, working pretty much solo. Oh yeah: The pay's lousy.

The Melbourne park, which is normally open and available for kids to play on when there aren't games scheduled, has become a fortress surrounded by security in blue uniforms and patrolling police officers.

People shouldn't feel they have to go to university' adding that vocational routes should not be seen as just 'hard hats and high vis jackets' but also highly technical professions including working on film sets.

Shane Warne's children Brooke, Summer and Jackson (pictured with their dad in London) have shared heartwarming tributes to the cricketing legend and put on a united front in the weeks since his tragic death

Donktum's account was revoked in last July for eight days, over a video depicting Trump as a cowboy attacking CNN journalist Jim Acosta.

(Reporting by Maria Ponnezhath in Bengaluru Editing by Peter Graff)

Donktum's account was revoked in last July for eight days, over a video depicting Trump as a cowboy attacking CNN journalist Jim Acosta.

(Reporting by Maria Ponnezhath in Bengaluru Editing by Peter Graff)

'And if you are one of the people who was denied the glorious breastfeeding experience for whatever reason then I want you to know that you are not alone, you are not a failure AND that plenty of babies are raised to be absolute stallions from formula.⁣ 

The Great Resignation Hasn't Hit School Teachers Yet. Here's Why It Still Might The pandemic may be the last straw for a profession mired in stagnant pay, compounding demands and endemic burnout. The situation has some people asking if the field of teaching needs a reset. 

Twitter has repeatedly clashed with Trump since it began challenging his tweets in May.

The president has threatened to change laws on social media after Twitter labelled one of his tweets about postal voting inaccurate and hid a tweet about looting, which Twitter said fomented violence.

Jackson, 22, proved yet again that he was prepared to step up for his family in his father's absence as he led his sisters Brooke, 24, and Summer, 20, to a waiting chauffeur and liaised with security at St Kilda Football Club where the funeral was held.

"I received a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown order this morning for that video, and a few hours later a suspension letter", Donktum posted website on Locals, another digital content platform.

'A few are:⁣ Previous breast surgery⁣, imbalance of crucial hormones⁣, thyroid problems⁣, PCOS⁣, diabetes⁣, depression and/or anxiety⁣, prescription drugs⁣, chemotherapy⁣, insufficient glandular tissue⁣, inefficient latch⁣, premature birth⁣. The list goes on.

How Online Shopping Adds to the Global Problem of Abandoned Clothes  Your used clothes might go straight in the dump, or they might travel the world before being burned in an open fire. Here's why.   

A government source said the aim is to tackle universities cynically offering degrees as 'silly' as 'David Beckham studies' while knowing they are unlikely to lead to better career or earnings prospects for young people.

'For those that have ever glanced at a woman feeding a newborn with a bottle and questioned it in their head, there are several reasons why mums might not be able to breast feed besides being in intensive care.⁣ 

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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